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Salalah (Arabic:صلالة;transliteratit Şalālah‎), is thecaipital an seat o thegovernor or Wali o the soothrenOmani province oDhofar. The population o Salalah is 197,169 as o 2009[1].

Salalah is the seicont lairgest ceety in theSultanate o Oman, an the lairgest ceety in the Dhofar Provence. The coastal ceety o Salalah is a traditional stranghauld an birthplace o theSultan,Qaboos bin Said. The Sultan tradeetionally lives in Salalah rather than inMuscat, thecaipital an lairgest ceety in Oman; Qaboos haes bucked this trend, an haes lived in Muscat syne he ascendit tae the throne in 1970. He daes housomeivver veesit Salalah fairly regularly tae meet wi influentialtribal an local leaders; his last veesit wis in 2006 an afore that he visitit in 2002. In mid-2009 the massive Sultan QaboosMosque wis opened in Salalah, 39 years efter he haed taken thethrone.


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  1. - Population of Salalah in 2009.
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