Rogaland is theNorse name o the region – revivit in modren times. Till 1919 the name o the coonty wisStavangeramt. It haes been argued that the first element is the plural genitive case orygir, the name o an auldGermanic tribe (seeRugians). The last element island n 'land, region'. In Norse times the region wis alternatively criedRygjafylki (seeRyfylke).
Rogaland is mainly a coastal region wifjords, beaches, an islands, the principal island beinKarmøy.Boknafjorden is the lairgest bay, wi mony fjords branchin aff frae it.
Karmøy haes lairge deposits ocopper (some o which wis uised in the construction o theStatue o Liberty). Rogaland is the maist important region forile angas exploration in Norawa, an is ane o the kintra's maist important agricultural destricts.
In the destrict are remains frae the earliest times, sic as the excavations in a cave atViste in Randaberg (Svarthola). Thir include the fynd o a skelet o a boy frae theStane Age. Various aircheological fyndins stem frae the follaein times, theBronze Age an theIron Age. Mony crosses inErse style hae been foond. Rogaland wis criedRygjafylke in theViking Age. AforeHarald Fairhair an theBattle o Hafrsfjord, it wis apetty kinrick. TheRugians wur a tribe possibly connectit wi Rogaland.
The coonty is conventionally dividit intae traditional destricts. Thir areHaugalandet north o Boknafjorden,Ryfylke in the muntainous east, anJæren tae the soothwast anDalane in the far sooth.
A series o festivals an congresses o internaitional fame an profile are arrangit, sic as The Chamber Muisic Festival, TheMaijazz Festival, The Gladmat (lit. fuid wi a happy smile) Festival, an The ONS event, which haes been held in Stavanger ivery seicont year syne 1974. The ONS is a major internaitional conference an exhibition wi focus on ile an gas, an ither topics frae the petroleum industry. The Concert Hall an Muisic Complex at Bjergsted an the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra provide important inspiration in the Norse muisical environment. Anither annual event in Stavanger is The Warld Tour Beach Volleyball. Durin this tournament, the dountoun is convertit intae a beach volleybaw arena.
Rogaland is hame tae mony naitural wanders, likPrekestolen,Kjerag an Gloppedalsura. In Stavanger, thare is an aircheological museum wi mony airtifacts frae early history in Rogaland. AnIron Age ferm at Ullandhaug in Stavanger is reconstructit on the oreeginal ferm steid datin back tae 350-500 AD. TheViking Farm is a museum locatit at Karmøy.