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A teepical refrigerator wi its door open
An early electric refidgerator, wi a cyclindrical heat exchanger on top. Nou in the collection oThinktank, Birmingham Science Museum.

Arefrigerator (aften cried a "fridge" for short) is a cuilin appliance makkit up o athermally insulatit compairtment an a mechanism for tae transpose heat frae it tae the environs athoot, cuilin the contents tae a temperatur ablo ruim temperatur. Refrigerators is widely uised for tae keep fuids that dwynes at ruim temperaturs; spylin fraebacteriel growthe an ither processes is a hantle slawer at laich temperaturs. A device descrived as a "refrigerator" keeps a temperatur a wheen degrees abuin thefreezin pynt o watter; a sib device that keeps a temperatur ablo the freezin pynt o watter is cried a "freezer". The refrigerator is a quite modren upmak amangkitchen appliances. It replaced the commonicebox that wis pitten ootby for naurlins a century an a hauf afore, an is whiles still cried by the oreeginal name "icebox".[1]

SomeScots leid enthusiasts hae cleckit theneologismcauld-press for refrigerators.[citation needit]


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  1. Rees, Jonathan (2014).Refrigeration nation : a history of ice, appliances, and enterprise in America. Baltimore.ISBN 1-4214-1107-5.OCLC 861209914.
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