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Kok-Gumbaz mosque in Qarshi
Kok-Gumbaz mosque in Qarshi
Qarshi is located in Uzbekistan
Location in Uzbekistan
Coordinates:38°52′N65°48′E / 38.867°N 65.800°E /38.867; 65.800
Kintra Uzbekistan
ProvinceQashqadaryo Province
 • Total197,600

Qarshi (Uzbek:Qarshi / Қарши;Persie:نخشب‎;Mongolie:Харш;Roushie:Карши) is a ceety in soothrenUzbekistan. It is the caipital oQashqadaryo Province an haes a population o 197,600 (1999 census estimate). It is aboot 520 km sooth-soothwast oTashkent, an aboot 335 km north o Uzbekistan's mairch wiAfghanistan. It is locatit at latitude 38° 51' 48N; langitude 65° 47' 52E at an altitude o 374 meters. The ceety is important innaitural gas production, but Qarshi is an aa famous for its production o weaved flatcairpets.


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Oreeginally theSogdian ceety oNakhshab, an theIslamic Persian ceety oNasaf, Qarshi wis the seicont ceety o theEmirate o Bukhara. It is in the centre o a fertileoasis that produceswheat,cotton, ansilk an wis a stap on the 11 daycaravan route atweenBalkh anBukhara. TheChagatai Mongol khansKebek anQazan biggit pailaces here on the site oGenghis Khan's simmer pastur[1]. In 1364, Timur an aa biggit a fortifee'd pailace wi moats in wha is nou the soothren pairt o the ceety. The modren name "Qarshi" means fort.

Wi the decline oShahrisabz in the 18t century, Qarshi grew in importance, an wis the seat o the Croun Prince tae the Emirate o Bukhara. The ceety haed a dooble set o waws, 10caravanserais an 4madrassahs durin this time. Bi 1868, theRoushies haed annexed theZarafshan Valley, an in 1873, the treaty turnin Bukhara intae a Roushiepertectorate wis signed in Qarshi, muckle tae the dismay o the Emir's son, Abdul Malik, who teuk tae the hills in rebellion.

In the early 1970s, the first section o a majorirrigation project wis completit tae divert watter frae theAmu Darya River inTurkmenistan eastward intae Uzbekistan in order tae irrigate the land surroondin Qarshi. Amaist aw o thir irrigatit lands aroond Qarshi are plantit wicotton.

Points o interest

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  • Khoja Adbul Aziz Madrassah - lairgest in toun, nou hoosin the Regional Museum
  • Rabiya Madrassah - a late 19t century female madrassah
  • Kok Gumbaz Mosque - pairt o a 16t century complex o biggins
  • Warld War II Memorial - Aiblins ane o the ex-Soviet Union's maist monumental monuments

Coordinates:38°52′N65°48′E / 38.867°N 65.800°E /38.867; 65.800


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  1. Grousset, pp. 341-2 states that baith khans uised Qarshi as a caipital


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