Theprovince (Indonesie:provinsi or [propinsi]error: {{lang}}: text has italic markup (help)) is the heichest tier o local govrenment subnaitional entity inIndonesie. Each province haes its awn local govrenment, heidit bi a govrenor, an haes its awn legislative body. The govrenor an member o local representatives are electit bi popular vote for five-year terms.WiEast Timor gainin its unthirldom, Indonesie currently haes 33 provinces, seiven o which hae been creatit syne 1999 (North Maluku,Wast Papua,Banten,Bangka-Belitung Islands,Gorontalo,Riau Islands anWast Sulawesi) an five provinces receivit special status:Aceh, for the uise o theSharia Law as theregional law o the province; theSpecial Region o Yogyakarta, for being govrened in an auncient monarchy seestem;Papua, for implementation o sustainable development;Wast Papua, for grantin implementation o sustainable development; anJakarta. Provinces are further dividit intaeregencies (Indonesie:kabupaten) anceeties.
The provinces are offeecially groupit intae seiven geographical units.[1]
↑figurs adjustit tae tak accoont o the separation oTarakan Ceety an fower regencies, as confirmed bi Biro Pusat Statistik, tae form the new province o North Kalimantan, leetit separately in this table.
↑Wast Papua wis creatit frae the wastren portion o Papua province in Februar, 2003, ineetially unner the name o Irian Jaya Barat, an wis renamed Papua Barat (Wast Papua) on 2007-02-07. The split remains controversial. In November 2004, an Indonesian coort agreed that the split violatit Papua's autonomy laws. Houever, the coort ruled that acause the new province haed already been creatit, it should remain separate frae Papua. The rulin an aa prohibitit the creation o anither proponed province, Central Irian Jaya, acause the split wis nae yet completit. As o Juin, 2008, an ISO 3166-2 code haes nae yet been published for Wast Papua. If ane war tae follae precedent, it would be ID-PB. Note: ISO 3166-2 Newsletter II-1 (corrected 2010-02-19) page 18-19 confirms this as ID-PB. see The code ID-IJ nou refers tae the lairger geografical region includin Papua an Wast Papua.