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God o the sea, yirdquauks, stuirms, an horse
Poseidon fraeMilos, 2nt century BC
(Naitional Airchaeological Museum o Athens)
SymbolTrident,Fish,Dowphin,Horse anBull
Personal Information
ParentsCronus anRhea
Roman equivalentNeptune

Poseidon orPosidon (Greek:Ποσειδῶν, gen:Ποσειδῶνος) is ane o the twalOlympian deities o thepantheon inGreek meethologie. His main domain is theocean, an he is cried the "God o the Sea". Addeetionally, he is referred tae as "Yird-Shaker"[1] due tae his role in causinyirdquauks, an haes been cried the "tamer o horse".[2] He is uisually depictit as an aulder male wi curly hair an beard.

The name o the sea-godNethuns inEtruscan wis adoptit in Laitin forNeptune inRoman meethologie; baith wur sea gods analogous tae Poseidon.Linear B tablets shaw that Poseidon wis veneratit atPylos anThebes in pre-OlympianBronze Age Greece as a chief deity, but he wis integratit intae theOlympian gods as the brither oZeus anHades.[2] Accordin tae some fowklear, he wis savit bi his mither Rhea, who concealed him amang a flock o lamb an pretendit tae hae gien birth tae a cowt, whilk wis devoured bi Cronos.[3]

Thare is aHomeric hymn tae Poseidon, who wis the protector o mony Hellenic ceeties, awtho he lost the contest forAthens taeAthena. Accordin tae the references fraePlato in his dialogueTimaeus and Critias, the island oAtlantis wis the chosen domain o Poseidon.[4][5][6][7]


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  1. Modern Greek media (e.g."The Pacific: A history full of earthquakes"Ta Nea, 2011) and scholars (e.g.Koutouzis, VassilisArchived 2012-11-10 at theWayback MachineVolcanoes and Earthquakes inTroizinia) do notmetaphorically refer to Poseidon but instead toEnceladus, the chief of theancient Giants, to denote earthquakes in Greece.
  2. abBurkert, Walter (1985).Greek Religion. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 136–39.ISBN 0-674-36281-0.
  3. In the 2nd century AD, a well with the name ofArne, the "lamb's well", in the neighbourhood ofMantineia inArcadia, where old traditions lingered, was shown toPausanias. (Pausanias viii.8.2.)
  4. The story of AtlantisArchived 2013-07-10 at theWayback Machine. Retrieved October 02, 2012.
  5. Plato (1971).Timaeus and Critias.Lunnon,Ingland:Penguin Books Ltd. pp. 167.ISBN 9780140442618.
  6. Timaeus 24e–25a, R. G. Bury translation (Loeb Classical Library).
  7. Also it has been interpreted that Plato or someone before him in the chain of the oral or written tradition of the report accidentally changed the very similar Greek words for "bigger than" ("meson") and "between" ("mezon") –Luce, J.V. (1969).The End of Atlantis – New Light on an Old Legend. London: Thames and Hudson. p. 224.


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