Pervez Musharraf (Urdu:پرویز مشرف; born 11 August 1943; deed 5 Februar 2023) wis afower-stargeneral an apoliteecian who wis broucht tae pouer throu amilitar coup d'état in 1999. He served as thetenthPreses oPakistan frae 2001 till 2008. Prior tae that, he wis the13tChief o Airmy Staff frae October 1998 till November 2007, an wis an aa thetenthChairman o theJynt Chiefs o Staff Committee oPakistan Airmed Forces frae 1998 till 2001. Commissioned frae thePakistan Airmy in 1964, Musharraf rose tae naitional prominence efter bein appointit a fower-star general in October 1998 bi then-Prime MeenisterNawaz Sharif. Musharraf wis the mastermind an strategic field commander ahind theKargil infiltration. Previously, Musharraf played a vital role in theAfghan ceevil war, baith assistin the peace negotiations an attemptin tae end the bloodshed in the kintra. Efter months o contentious relations wi Prime Meenister Sharif, Musharraf wis broucht tae pouer throu amilitar coup d'état in 1999, subsequently placin the Prime meenister unner a stricthoose-arrest afore movin him taeAdiala Jail inPunjab Province.
Wi Aziz havin completit his term, an thesuspension o theChief Justice in 2007, Musharraf dramatically fell frae pouer in 2008, tenderin his resignation o the presidency efter facin potentialimpeachment, led bi the electitopposition parties. Musharraf then lived in self-imposed exile in Lunnon for fower years, returnin tae Pakistan on 24 Mairch 2013, in order tae participate in the upcomin general elections, despite receivin daith threats frae the Taliban. Whilst absent frae Pakistan, the kintra'scourts issued reest warrants for baith Musharraf an Aziz, for thair alleged involvement in theassassination oBenazir Bhutto anAkbar Bugti. He wis disqualified frae takin pairt in the2013 election bi Heich Court judges in Aprile 2013.[1]
Musharraf dee'd inDubai on 5 Februar 2023, agit 79, efter a lang illness.