The ceety is locatit juist sooth oPanmunjeom on the38t parallel. Tae defend the Korean caipital,Seoul, mony US an Korean airmy bases are set up in the ceety. In 2002, the northmaist Sooth Korean railway station, Dorasan, wis opened. North Korean territory anKaesong Ceety can be seen fraeMunt Dora in the ceety.
Heyri Airt Veelage - wi 350 airtists in fine airts, muisic, theatre, photografie, sculptur, crafts an leeteratur. It aims toae promote cultural interchynge, education, an exhibit an sell haund-craftit wirks o airt.[2]
Note:A an aa a provincial caipital;B an aa designatit as a special-status ceety;C a coonty, nae a ceety; anD an aa designatit as an admeenistrative ceety