Pedestrian brig "Europe–Asie" ower theUral River in Orenburg
TheRoushie Empire began plans for the expansion intae Asie bi construction o an eastren frontier fortress toun in the soothren Ural region tae be namitOrenburg in 1734. The colonists oreeginally foondit a dounset in 1735 at the confluence o theUral River wi theOr River. The toun's name meant "fortress near the Or," asBurg isGerman for fortress. This dounset chyngit its name in 1739 taeOrsk. An attempt wis made tae foond anither Orenburg aboot 175 kilometer (109 mi) wast at a location criedKrasnogor, or "Red Hill," in 1741, but this dounset failed. A third Orenburg wis successfully establisht biIvan Neplyuyev at its present location approximately 250 kilometer (160 mi) wast doun the Ural frae Orsk in 1743. This third Orenburg functioned as an important militar ootpost on the frontier wi the nomadicKazakhs. It became the centre for theOrenburg Cossacks.
Orenburg played a major role in thePugachev rebellion (1773–1774). At the time, it wis the caipital o a vast destrict an the seat o the govrenor. Yemelyan Pugachev besiegit the ceety an its fortress frae nearbiBerda frae October 1773 - 26 Mairch 1774. The defence wis organisit bi lieutenant-generalReinsdorp. GeneralGolytsin defeatit Pugachev at Berda, an later again at Kargala (north o Orenburg). Maist o the ceety wis left in ruins, an thoosans o indwallers haed dee'd in the siege.
Frae 1938 tae 1957, the ceety bore the nameChkalov (Чка́лов) (efter the prominent test pilotValery Chkalov). The ceety's distance frae the German invasion durinWarld War II led mony Soviet enterprises tae flee thare, helpin tae spur the ceety's economic growthe.
Orenburg is a hame for several lairge companies or thair subsidiars:Orenburggazprom,[11] the subsidiar oGazprom;Orenburgneft,[12] the subsidiar oTNK-BP ile company;Orenburgenergy, ane o the biggest energy generatin companies in Roushie.
Orenburg haes been a major railwey centre iver syne the Samara-Zlatoust anOrenburg-Tashkent railweys wur completit, respectively in 1876 an 1905.[13]
Orenburg's main airport is theOrenburg Tsentralny Airport,[14] locatit aboot 25 kilometer (16 mi) east o the ceety, on the Orsk destination, an is the heidquairters oOrenair.[14]
Lokomotiv haes played in the heichest diveesion o theRoushie Bandy League. Nou thay play in the seicont heichest diveesion. Thair hame arena haes a capacity o 5000.[1]
↑"Об исчислении времени".Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Roushie). 3 Juin 2011. Retrieved19 Januar 2019.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
↑Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post).Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search)(in Roushie)
Законодательное Собрание Оренбургской области. Закон №1370/276-IV-ОЗ от 11 июля 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Оренбургской области», в ред. Закона №666/178-V-ОЗ от 28 декабря 2011 г «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Оренбургской области». Вступил в силу после официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Южный Урал", №№134–135 (спецвыпуск №40 с документами Законодательного Собрания Оренбургской области), 21 июля 2007 г. (Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast. Law #1370/276-IV-OZ of July 11, 2007On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Orenburg Oblast, as amended by the Law #666/178-V-OZ of November 28, 2011On Amending Various Legislative Acts of Orenburg Oblast. Effective as of after the official publication date.).
Законодательное Собрание Оренбургской области. Закон №2367/495-IV-ОЗ от 15 сентября 2008 г. «Об утверждении перечня муниципальных образований Оренбургской области и населённых пунктов, входящих в их состав», в ред. Закона №666/178-V-ОЗ от 28 декабря 2011 г «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Оренбургской области». Вступил в силу через 10 дней после официального опубликования. Опубликован: "Бюллетень Законодательного Собрания Оренбургской области", 22 заседание, I часть, 29 августа 2008 г. (Legislative Assembly of Orenburg Oblast. Law #2367/495-IV-OZ of September 15, 2008On Adopting the Registry of the Municipal Formations of Orenburg Oblast and the Inhabited Localities They Comprise, as amended by the Law #666/178-V-OZ of December 28, 2011On Amending Various Legislative Acts of Orenburg Oblast. Effective as of after 10 days following the official publication.).