Murrayfield is an affluent aurie in the wast oEdinburgh,Scotland. It is tae the east oCorstorphine an wastlins oRoseburn an the ceety centre. TheA8 road rins fae east tae wastthro Murrayfield. Murrayfield is aften considered tae include the smawer neebourin auries oRavelston (tae the north) anRoseburn (tae the east).
Murrayfield is kenspeckle firMurrayfield Stadium, hame tae theScottis naitional rugby union team an venue for mony sportin events. In the shadow o the Stadium isMurrayfield Ice Rink, which currently hosts theEdinburgh Capitals ice hockey team an previously played host tae the famousMurrayfield Racers. In the 2006-07 season,Heart of Midlothian played theirUEFA Champions League ties at Murrayfield.Murrayfield Stadium haes been the venue for some lairge concerts an aw.
In addition tae the stadium, thare is Murrayfield Tennis Club an Murrayfield Golf Course which is atweenRavelston anCorstorphine Hill. Next tae this is Easter Belmont Road (a private road), ane o Edinburgh's "Millionaire's Rows" an is hame tae local businessmanDavid Murray an Keith Miller. Aside frae sports facilities, thare is a lot o residential land use, and the area has aSpire Healthcare private hospital an sma nummers o shops, businesses includin aNissan dealership, an hotels. The Murrayfield aurie is full o medium an lairge sized hooses.
The well-kent unthirlt schuils, St. George's Schuil for Girls an the Erskine Stewart's Melville Schuils (The Mary Erskine Schuil for Girls anStewart's Melville College) are situatit in the Murrayfield aurie. These schuils are aw awned bi theMerchant Company of Edinburgh.
The local primary schuil for maist is Roseburn Primary Schuil an Murrayfield is pairt o theCraigmount Heich Schuil catchment aurie. The nearest Roman Catholic schuils are Fox Covert R.C. Primary Schuil an St. Augustine's Heich Schuil.
Coordinates:55°56′48″N3°14′44″W / 55.946703°N 3.245597°W /55.946703; -3.245597