Murcia (Spaingie pronunciation: [ˈmuɾθja]) is a ceety in sooth-eastrenSpain, thecaipital an maist populous ceety o theautonomous commonty o theRegion o Murcie, an theseivent lairgest ceety in the kintra, wi a population o 442,573 inhabitants in 2009 (aboot ane third o the total population o the Region). The population o themetropolitan aurie wis 689,591 in 2010.It is locatit on theSegura River, in the sootheast o theIberian Peninsula, notit bi a mild climate wi hot simmers, mild winters, an relatively law precipitation.
The ceety, as the caipital o the comarcaHuerta de Murcia is criedEurope’s orchard due tae its lang agricultural tradeetion an as a fruits, vegetables an flouers producer an exporter.