Mumbai (kent asBombay, its umwhile offeecial name till 1995, an aw) is a naituralherbour on the wast coast oIndie, an is thecaipital ceety oMaharashtra state. It's Indie's maist muckleceety, an the 4t maist populous ceety proper in the warld. It's cawed the commercial caipital o Indie.It haes the Bombay Stock Exchynge an aw major financial trokin is duin thare.
Locate on the Wast Coast oIndie, the group o islands that haes developit intae the ceety o Bombay, wis likely first recordit as the name o fish-carles whaur a group oBuddhist monks estaiblisht an ootpost durin the later Magadhan empire. The islands wis passed fae ae king tae anither for twa millenia, till the Breetish tred empire decidit tae forder the naitural herbour intil a ceety. In the fower hunder year syne, the ceety haes growen bi a series o laund reclamations that jynes the oreeginal islands intil ae mass the nou.
The ceety wis cried Bombay for maist o the last fower hunder years. The oreegin o the name is kittlie, but is aft thocht tae come fae thePortuguese phrasebom bahia meanin "guid bay". The name Mumbai haes been uised in the main local leids for as lang, an is ascribed tae the local goddess, Mumba (ai means "mither" inMarathi, the leid o the state o Maharashtra). The name o the ceety wis chynged tae Mumbai bi an act o the pairlament in 1995.
Jaloused tae hae aboot 15 meellion fowk, the ceety haes growen swith in the bygane fifty year. The main aurie cawed the "Island Ceety" haes the maist dear real estate in the hale o Indie. Acause o this, the ceety haes growen a lang wey intil the mainlaund baith tae the north an the east. It is no unuisual for fowk tae commute mair nor an oor tae wark ilka day. Gettin watter, pouer an fuid intil the ceety is a muckle job that's owerseen bi ceevic agencies, plannin bodies an fowk gaun aboot thair business.