Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar Gaddafi[1] (Arabic:مُعَمَّر القَذَّافِيMuʿammar al-Qaḏḏāfī
audio (help·info);[variations] (Juin 1942[nb 1]– 20 October 2011), commonly kent asMuammar Gaddafi/[unsupported input]ˈmoʊ.əmɑːrɡəˈdɑːfi/ orColonel Gaddafi, wis the offeeial ruler o the Libie Arab Republic frae 1969 tae 1977 an then the "Brither Leader" o theLibyan Arab Jamahiriya frae 1977 tae 2011.
Acause o the lack o staundartization otransliteratin written an regionally pronooncit Arabic, Gaddafi's name haes beenromanized in mony different ways. Even tho the Arabic spellin o a wird daes no chynge, the pronunciation mey vary in differentvarieties o Arabic, which mey suggest a different romanization. InLiterary Arabic, the nameمُعَمَّر القَذَّافِي can be pronooncit/muˈʕammaru lqaðˈðaːfiː/.Geminated consonants can be simplified. InLibyan Arabic,/q/ (ق) is replacit wi[ɡ]; an/ð/ (ذ), as"th" in "this", is replacit wi[d]. Vouel[u] aften alternates wi[o] in pronunciation in ither regions. Sicweys,/muˈʕammar alqaðˈðaːfiː/ is normally pronooncit in Libie Arabic[muˈʕæmmɑrˤ əlɡædˈdæːfi]. The definite airticleal- (ال) is aften omittit.
The Arabic verb قَذَفَqaðafa haes various meanins centerin on "he threw".
- ↑Some sources, such as aBBC Obituary Muammar Gaddafi, give the date as 7 June. Other sources say June 1942; others say "Spring of 1942" (Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East, 2004) or "September 1942" (Encyclopedia of World Biography, 1998)