The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (September 2020)
Malaysia haes its oreegins in the Malay Kinricks present in the aurie which, frae the 18t century, became subject tae theBreetish Empire. The first Breetish territories wur kent as theStraits Settlements. Peninsular Malaysie, then kent as Malaya, wis first unified unner the commonweel in 1946, afore becomin theFederation o Malaya in 1948. In 1963,Malaya unified wiSabah,Sarawak, anSingapore. In 1965, Singapore co-optit oot o the federation an became an independent ceety state. Syne its unthirldom, Malaysie haes haed ane o the best economic records in Asie, wi GDP growin an average 6.5% for the first 50 year o unthirldom.