Livorno wis defined as an "ideal toun" durin theItalian Renaissance. The day, it reveals its history throu the structur o itsneighbourhuids, crossed bicanals an surroondit bifortifiedtoun walls, throu the tangle o itsstreets, which embroider the toun'sVenice destrict, an throu theMedici Port characteristically owerleukit bitouers an fortresses leadin tae thetoun centre. Designed bi thearchitectBernardo Buontalenti at the end o the 16t century, Livorno unnerwent a period o greattoun plannin expansion at the end o the 17t century. Near the defensive pile o the Auld Fortress, a new fortress, thegither wi the toun-walls an the seestem o navigable canals, wis then biggit.
Durin theNapoleonic Wars, trade wiBritain wis prohibitit an theeconomy o Livorno suffered greatly. Then, in 1868, efter Livorno became pairt o the newKinrick o Italy, it lost its status o afree port an the ceety's importance declined.
Piazza Grande in the 19t century: at left, the Palazzo del Governatore, at richt the Dogana
The Venice destrict retains muckle o its oreeginal toun plannin an airchitectural features sic as the brigs, narraelanes, thenoblemen'shooses an a dense netwirk o canals which ance linked the port tae itsstorehooses. In the 18t an 19t centuries, Livorno, bi then grown up an open tae the warld, haed a lively appearance merked bineo-classical biggins,public pairks hoosin importantmuseums ancultural institutions, "Liberty"villas wisea views an themercat.
The Museo Mascagnano hooses memorabilia, documents an operas bi the great composerPietro Mascagni. Ivery year some o his operas are tradeetionally played durin the leeric muisic saison, which is organised bi the Traditional Theatre o Livorno. An aa the “Terrazza Mascagni”, a walkway dividit frae the sea bi a haundrail, is named in honour tae Pietro Mascagni.
Up in the hills theSanctuary o Montenero, which is dedicatit taeOor Lady o Graces, the patron saunt o Tuscany, is a fixed destination for pilgrims. It is famous for the adjacent gallery, decoratit wi ex-voti mainly connectit tae stories o miraculous sea rescue.
The "Monumento dei quattro mori" ("Monument o the FowerMoors"), dedicatit tae Grand DukeFerdinando I de' Medici o Tuscany, is ane o the maist important monuments o Livorno. An important square, the Piazza della Repubblica, contains twa important monuments o Italian politicians. The square is an aa a brig, unner which thare lies a lairge canal.
Anither important monument is an auld reid-brick fortress which, in Medici times, defendit the ceety frae attack bi pirates. Its three bastions are named “Capitana”, “Ampolletta” an “Canaviglia”. The oreeginal fortress wis biggit afore the Renaissance. A later ane wis constructit at the end o the 16t century.
Theleghorn variety o chicken wis named efter the ceety. This in turn gae its name tae the cartoon characterFoghorn Leghorn. The ceety an aa lent its name tae a kynd o fineplaitit strae produced thare an, bi extension, tae the leghorn hats made frae the material.