Lima, Peru
Eik-name(s): Ceety o Keengs
Motto(s): Hoc signum vere regum est−
Coordinates:12°2′36″S 77°1′42″W / 12.04333°S 77.02833°W /-12.04333; -77.02833 Coordinates :12°2′36″S 77°1′42″W / 12.04333°S 77.02833°W /-12.04333; -77.02833 Kintra Peru Region Lima Region Province Lima Province Destricts 43 destricts Govrenment
• Teep Mayor–cooncil govrenment • Mayor Jorge Muñoz (2019-2022) Area
• City 2672.3 km2 (1,031.8 sq mi) • Urban
800 km2 (300 sq mi) • Metro
2819.3 km2 (1,088.5 sq mi) Elevation
0–1548 m (0–5079 ft) Population • City 10,852,210 • Density 4,100/km2 (11,000/sq mi) • Metro
9,752,000 • Metro density 3,500/km2 (9,000/sq mi) • Demonym
Limean (Spaingie:Limeño/a ) Time zone UTC−5 (PET )Website
Lima is thecaipital an lairgest ceety oPeru . It is locatit in the valleys o theChillón ,Rímac anLurín rivers, on a desert coast owerleukin the Paceefic Ocean. Thegither wi the seaport oCallao , it forms a contiguous urban aurie kent as theLima Metropolitan Aurie . Wi a population fast approachin 9 million, Lima is the fift lairgest ceety in Latin Americae, efterMexico Ceety ,São Paulo ,Buenos Aires anRio de Janeiro . Lima haes been defined as a betawarld ceety .
Lima wis foondit biSpaingie conquistador Francisco Pizarro on Januar 18, 1535, as La Ciudad de los Reyes, or "The Ceety oKeengs ." It became the caipital an maist important ceety in the SpainyieViceroyalty o Peru . Follaein thePeruvian War o Unthirldom , it became the caipital o the Republic o Peru. The day, aroond ane-third o the Peruvian population lives in themetropolitan aurie .
Accordin tae early Spaingie chronicles the Lima aurie wis ance criedItchyma , efter its oreeginal inhabitants. Housomeivver, even afore the Inca occupation o the aurie in the 15t century, a famous oracle in the Rímac valley haed come to be kent bi visitors aslimaq (limaq , pronoonced[ˈlimɑq] , which means "talker" incoastal Quechua ). This oracle wis eventually destroyed bi the Spaingie an replacit wi a kirk, but the name persistit in the local leid, thus the chronicles shaw "Límac" replacin "Ychma" as the common name for the aurie.
Lima istwinned wi:[ 2]
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