Liliales is an order omonocotyledonousflouerin plants. This order o necessity includes the faimilyLiliaceae, but baith the faimily an the order hae haed a widely disputit history, wi the circumscription varyin greatly frae ane taxonomist tae another. Weel kent plants frae the order includeLilium (lily),tulip, the North American wildflouerTrillium, angreenbrier.
Thus circumscribed, this order consists maistly oyerbaceous plants, but lianas an shrubs occur. They are maistlyperennial plants, wi fuid storage organs such ascorms orrhizomes. The faimily Corsiaceae is notable for beinheterotrophs.
The order haes warldwide distribution. The lairger faimilies (wi mair nor 100 species) are roughly confined tae theNorthren Hemisphere, or are distributit warldwide, centerin on the north. On the ether haund, the smaller faimilies (wi up tae 10 species) are confined tae theSouthren Hemisphere, or sometimes just taeAustralie orSooth Americae. The tot nummer o species in the order is nou aboot 1300.
As wi anyyerbaceous group, thefossil record o the Liliales is rather scarce. There are several species frae theEocene, such asPetermanniopsis anglesaensis orSmilax, but their identification is nae definite. Another kent fossil isRipogonum scandens frae theMiocene. Due tae the scarcity o data, it seems impossible tae determine precisely the age an the initial distribution o the order. It is assumed that the Liliales originate frae the LowerCretaceous, ower 100 million years ago. The initial diversification tae the faimilies teuk place atween 82 an 48 million years ago (Vinnersten an Bremer, 2001).
TheThorne seestem (1992) placed the order in superorderLilianae in subclassLiliidae [= monocotyledons ] o classMagnoliopsida [= dicotyledons] an uised this circumscription:
TheDahlgren seestem placed the order in superorder Lilianae in subclass Liliidae [= monocotyledons] o class Magnoliopsida [= angiosperms] an uised this circumscription:
TheWettstein seestem, last revised in 1935, uised names similar tae those in the Engler seestem: the order wis named Liliiflorae placed in the class Monocotyledones o the subdivision Angiospermae. In circumscription the order wis fairly similar tae that o Cronquist.
W. S. Judd, C. S. Campbell, E. A. Kellogg, P. F. Stevens, M. J. Donoghue (2002).Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 2nd edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors leet (link)ISBN 0-87893-403-0.
P. J. Rudall, K. L. Stobart, W.-P. Hong, J. G. Conran, C. A. Furness, G. C. Kite, M. W. Chase (2000) Consider the Lilies: Systematics of Liliales. In:Wilson K, Morrison DA, (eds.).Monocots: Systematics and Evolution. CSIRO, Melbourne.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors leet (link) CS1 maint: extra text: authors leet (link)ISBN 0-643-06437-0.
A. Vinnersten, K. Bremer (2001). "Age and biogeography of major clades in Liliales".American Journal of Botany.88 (9): 1695–1703.doi:10.2307/3558415.JSTOR3558415.PMID21669704. (Available online:[1])