- Leonessa is the name o afrazione oBassano Romano an aw.
Leonessa is a toun ancomune in the far northeastren pairt o theProvince o Rieti in theLazio region o centralItaly. Its population in 2008 wis aroond 2,700.
Situatit in a smaw plain at the fuit o Mt.Terminillo, ane o the heichest muntains o the Apennine range, in the winter Leonessa is kent maistly as a law-key stagin center for the ski slopes o the Terminillo, an in the simmer as a weekend vacation toun frequentit for the maist pairt biRomans wi local ruits.
Historically, the toun is kent maistly as the birthplace o St.Joseph o Leonessa. Till 1927 it wis pairt o theprovince o L'Aquila. The toun suffered ane o the wirst German reprisals durin Warld War Twa when the Wehrmacht an the SS killed 51 inhabitants in early Apryle o 1944. A monument dedicatit tae the 'martyrs' wis erectit in 1959.Teepical fuid production include the local variety opotato, kent aspatata di Leonessa.
Leonessa is twinned wi the French toun oGonesse.
Leonessa is a airt ceety o primarily medieval aspect, wi a historical main square. Kirks include:
- S. Pietro
- S. Francesco
- Kirk an sanctuar oS. Giuseppe da Leonessa
- S. Maria del Popolo
Albaneto, Casanova, Fontenova, Leonessa Colleverde, Cumulata, Sala, San Clemente, San Vito, Vallimpuni, Viesci, Vindoli, Volciano, Casale dei Frati, Villa Alesse, Villa Berti, Villa Bigioni, Villa Bradde, Villa Carmine, Villa Ciavatta, Villa Climinti, Villa Colapietro, Villa Cordisco, Villa Gizzi, Villa Lucci, Villa Massi, Villa Pulcini, Villa Zunna, Albaneto, Piedelpoggio, Villa Immagine, Corvatello, Sant'Angelo, Terzone, Casa Buccioli, Capodacqua, Ocre, Pianezza, San Giovenale, Vallunga