In Marxist philosophy,Leninism is the body opoleetical theory for the democratic organisation o arevolutionaryvanguard pairty, an the achievement o a direct-democracydictatorship o the proletariat, as poleetical prelude tae the establishment osocialism. Developit bi, an namit for, the Roushie revolutionaryVladimir Lenin, Leninism comprisespolitical an socialisteconomic theories, developit fraeMarxism, an Lenin’s interpretations oMarxist theory, for practical application tae the socio-political conditions o the agrarianRoushie Empire (1721–1917) o the early 20t century. In Februar 1917, Leninism wis the Roushie application o Marxist economics an poleetical philosophy, effectit an realised bi theBolshevik pairty, the vanguard pairty who led the fecht for the poleetical unthirldom o thewirkin class. Functionally, the vanguard pairty providit the poleetical education, an the revolutionary leadership and organisation necessary to depose capitalism in Imperial Roushie. Efter theOctober Revolution o 1917, Leninism wis the dominant version o Marxism in Roushie, an then the offeecialideology oSoviet democracy (bi wirkers’ cooncil) in theRoushie Socialist Federal Soviet Republic (RSFSR), afore its unitary amalgamation intae theUnion o Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), in 1922.[1] As a poleetical-science term,Leninism entered common uisage in 1922, anerlie efter infirmity endit Lenin’s participation in govrenin the Roushie Communist Pairty. Twa years later, in Julie 1924, at the fift congress o theCommunist International (Comintern),Grigory Zinoviev popularized the uise o the termLeninism tae denote “vanguard-pairty revolution”.
- ↑The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought Third Edition (1999) pp. 476–477