Broel towersKortrijk (offeecial name in Dutch, pronoonced[ˈkɔrtrɛɪ̯k];French:Courtrai,pronounced [kuʁtʁɛ];Laitin:Cortoriacum) is a Belgianceety anmunicipality locatit in theFlemishprovinceWast Flanders. It is the caipital an biggest ceety o thearrondissement o Kortrijk, which is baith a judicial an an admeenistrativearrondissement.The wider municipality comprises the ceety o Kortrijk proper an the touns oAalbeke,Bellegem,Bissegem,Heule,Kooigem,Marke, anRollegem.The ceety is situatit on theLeie, 42 km (26 mile) soothwast oGhent an 25 km (15 mile) northeast oLille in Fraunce. Baith Kortrijk an Lille are pairt o the same transnaitionalEurodistricturban aurie wi aroond 1,900,000 inhabitants.[1] As the biggest ceety o soothren Wast Flanders, Kortrijk haes mony schuils, hospitals an shoppin streets.
Kortrijk participates intoun twinnin tae encourage guid internaitional relations.[2]
Bad Godesberg (Bonn, Germany), syne 1964
Cebu Ceety (Philippines), syne 2005
Frascati (Italy), syne 1967
Greenville (Sooth Carolina, Unitit States), syne 1991
Saint-Cloud (Fraunce), syne 1993
Tashkent (Uzbekistan), syne late 1980's
Windsor an Maidenhead (Unitit Kinrick), syne 1981
Wuxi (Cheenae), syne 2007
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Coordinates:50°49′39″N3°15′57″E / 50.8275°N 3.2658°E /50.8275; 3.2658