The ceety oNakama wis tae acome the aichtward o Kitakyushu in 2005 (tae be cried Nakama-ku). Houever, the planned merger wis rejectit on December 24, 2004 bi Nakama's ceety cooncil, despite havin been initiated bi Nakama ceety.
Kokura Prefectur wis foondit separately fraeFukuoka Prefectur in 1871 when the clan seestem wis abolished. The auld widen-biggit Kokura Prefectural Office is still staundin, an is bein restored. It is oppositeRiverwalk Kitakyūshū. In 1876, Kokura Prefectur wis absorbed bi Fukuoka Prefectur. The ceety oKokura wis foondit in 1900.
Kokura wis the primary tairget o the nuclear wappen "Fat Man" on August 9, 1945. MajorCharles Sweeney haed orders tae drop the bomb visually, but aw three attempts failed due tae clouds an smoke fraeYahata, which is locatit anly 7 km wast o Kokura an haed air raids on the previous day, preventin Sweeney frae identifyin the tairget clearly. The bomb wis ultimately dropped on the ceety oNagasaki, the seicondary tairget, at 11:02 JST.
The ceety o Kitakyushu wis foondit on Februar 10, 1963 an wis designatit on Aprile 1, 1963 bigovrenment ordinance. The ceety wis born frae the merger o five municipalities (Moji, Kokura, Tobata, Yahata an Wakamatsu) centered aroond the auncient feudal ceety o Kokura. The ceety's seembol merk is a flouer wi thecharacter "north" (北,kita) in the middle an five petals representin the five touns which merged.