Till 1774, the region belangit tae theCrimean Khanate. Kherson wis foondit in 1778 biGrigori Potemkin, on the orders oCatherine the Great. The ceety wis biggit unner the superveesion o GeneralIvan Gannibal on the steid o a smaw fortress cried Aleksanderschanz. The name Kherson is a contraction oChersonesos, an auncient Greek colony foondit approximately 2500 years ago in the soothwastren pairt oCrimea. Ane o the first biggins in the Kherson Fort wis theKirk o St. Catherine whaur Potemkin wis eventually buriet. The lasttarpan wis caucht near Kherson in 1866.
Kherson is servit biKherson Internaitional Airport providin baith passport an customs control. It operates a 2,500 x 42 meter concrete runwey, accommodatin Boeing 737, Airbus 319/320 aircraft, an helicopters o aw series.
Jewish cemetery - Kershon haes a lairge Jewish commonty which wis established in the mid 19t century.[2] Frae 1959 till 1990 thare wis nae synagogue in Kherson. Syne then, baith Jewish life an Kherson hae really grown an developed in an atmosphere o peace.[3] Nivertheless, the Jewish cemetery haes regularly suffered frae acts o vandalism. The graves hae been repeatitly covered wi trash an the tombstones destroyed an desecratit. On 6 Apryle 2012, a act o vandalism, at the Jewish cemetery, occurred on the maist important festival in the Jewish calendar, the festival o Passover. The fire, which wis set, immediately spread ower a aurie o aboot 700 square meters an caused severe damage tae the graves an tombstanes.[4]
Kherson TV Touer — is a famous construction locatit in the ceety.