St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Kirk in Kamianske in the late 19t century.
The first written evidence o dounset in the territory o Kamianske appeared in 1750. At that time, the veelages o Romankovo an Kamianske, that mak the modren ceety, wis pairt o the Nova (New)Sich o theZaporizhiancossacks. The ceety wis kent asKamianske, Stany PlaceUkrainian:Кам'янське) till 1936 whan it wis renamit.
On 2 Julie 1996 a notorious traffeckaccident happened in Kamianske. An owercroudit tram that wis muivin alang a brent brae on Get'mana Doroshenka began tae scly swith doun the brae (acause o a brake failyie), hinderly derailin an rinnin intae a schuil.[2] A tot o some 30 fowk dee'd an mair nor a 100 wis skaithed as a result o that accident. Follaein a govrenment inquiry intae the causes o the accident the then mayor,Sergiy Shershnev, an hisdeputy,Ihor Laktionov, resigned.[2][3]
The economic base o Kamianske is naur alanerly centred onhivy industry, wi ferrousmetallurgie bein the rigbane o the local economy. Aroond 57% o the haleindustrial production is metallurgie an metal wirkin. Thechemical industry comes seicont wi ca. 17% share o the hale industrial ootput.[4] While the exceedingly industrialisit natur o the local economy ensurs a raither heich employment rate (as o 01.11.2007, offeecial unemployment stuid at 1,40%),[5] it contributes tae excessive pollution an radiation levels in the ceety an aw.[6]
The Roman Catholic Kirk oSaunt Nicholas[8] biggit bi the ceety's Pols commonty at the end o the nineteent century, haes acome ane o the centres o Roman Catholicism in Eastren Ukraine. The Catholic Pairish o Saunt Nicholas includes a monastery run bi theOrder o Friars Minor Capuchin an aw.[8]
The toun haes a active Jewish commonty wi a new synagogue an commonty centre.[9]
↑abPshenichniy, Stanislav (7 Julie 2006)."Sad Anniversary in Kamjans'ke".Dneprovska Pravda (in Russian). Archived fraethe original on 24 Apryle 2014. Retrieved30 December 2008.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)
↑"Statistics" (in Ukrainian). Kamjans'ke City Council hame page. Archived fraethe original on 15 September 2008. Retrieved20 Januar 2009.
↑Belitskaia, EN (Mey–Juin 1996). "Belitskaia EN".Likarska sprava (5–6): 74–8.PMID9377406.
↑"Возрожденный храм металлургов".Zverda Rozhdestva (in Russian). Orthodox Eparchy of Kryvyi Rih.№34. 27 Juin 2004. Retrieved18 Mairch 2009.CS1 maint: unrecognised leid (link)