Juan Esteban Aristizábal Vásquez (born 9 August 1972), better kent asJuanes (for the contraction o his first an seicont name), is aColombie muisicker who wis a member o thehivy metal baundEkhymosis an is nou a solo airtist. In 2000, his solo debut albumFíjate Bien wan threeLatin Grammy Awards. Accordin tae his record label, Juanes haes sauld mair nor 15 million albums warldwide.[1][2]
Juanes wis born inCarolina del Príncipe,Antioquia,Colombie. When he wis seiven year auld, his faither an brithers began tae teach him hou tae play guitar.[3] His passion for the graith led him tae diskiver diverse genres o muisic sic as tradeetional Laitin soonds sic astango anbachata, as well as Colombie fowk muisic.
He grew up inMedellín durin the hicht o drog kingpinPablo Escobar's reign, when the ceety haed the heichest homicide rate in the warld.[4] Durin his bairnheid, Juanes witnessed a ceevil war in which thoosans wur killed. He wis greatly affectit bi the violence; his cousin wis executit bi kidnappers, an his close friend wis murthert bi gunmen.[3] This period o time shapit his social consciousness, sayin "Colombie haes suffered so hintle that the anerlie wey tae go forward is tae imagine a better kintra."[4] His faither dee'd o cancer when he wis a bairn an aw, which caused him tae further retreat intae muisic.[3]
As a teenager, Juanes wis greatly influencit bi metal acts sic asMetallica. He stairtit the metal baundEkhymosis in 1988, an it released its sel-producit debut album,Niño Gigante, that same year.[5] The baund released five studio albums durin its career an shared the stage wi acts includinAlejandro Sanz,Aterciopelados, anRicky Martin;[6] housomeivver in Juanes' wirds, the baund "couldna get oot o Colombie" an remained "vera local an confined tae the Colombie mercat."[7] Juanes disbandit the group in 1998 sae that he coud pursue a solo career.[5]
In 2000, Juanes released his solo debutFíjate Bien (Tak a Good Look), producit biGustavo Santaolalla. The album fared well in Colombie, spendin ten weeks at the nummer ane poseetion, but wis unsuccessful in ither kintras.[3] The album earned him three Latin Grammys for Best New Artist, Best Rock Solo Vocal Album, an Best Rock Song, an Juanes performit at the awaird shaw. Later that nicht, Juanes brocht demos for ower forty new sangs tae Santaolalla's studio, ready tae begin wirk on anither album.[3]
The follae-up,Un Día Normal (A Normal Day), producit bi Gustavo Santaolalla an aw who signed him wi his first solo album, wis released in2002 an wis heichlie successfu in Latin Americae. The album wis certifee'd gowd in Colombie durin its first day o sales an wis certifee'd platinum an multi-platinum in kintras includin Colombie,Mexico, an Spain.[8] The album spent 92 weeks in the tap ten oBillboard's Tap Latin Albums chart,[3] settin a new record,[8] an spent a tot o twa years on the chairt.[8] The album wis released efter the eligibility deadlines for the 2002 Latin Grammy Awards, but the advance airdate for the lead single, "A Dios le Pido" ("To God I Pray"), alloued it tae be nominatit for three awairds an win Best Rock Song.[8][9]
Mi Sangre (My Blood), wis released in September 2004 an debuted at nummer ane on theBillboard Top Latin Albums.[11] The album producit three consecutive nummer ane singles, which held the tap chairt poseetion for a combined 6 month. The album's third single, "La Camisa Negra" ("The Black Shirt"), wis uised in Italy in support o neo-fascism bi relatin it tae the uniform uised unner the regime oBenito Mussolini.[12] In response,left-wing media netwirkIndymedia cried for a boycott o the sang.[13] Juanes later statit that "'La Camisa Negra' haes got naething tae dae wifascism or Mussolini... Fowk can interpret muisic in aw kynds o weys I guess."[14][15]
In Juin 2006, Juanes began a year-lang sabbatical tae spend time wi his wife, modelKaren Martínez, an thair dochters Luna an Paloma.[18] He wis wirkin on an album that wis released on October 23, 2007.[18] When askit aboot the possibility o recordin an album in Inglis, Juanes respondit, "singin in Spainyie is vera important acause it's the leid in which A think an feel. I respect fowk that sing in Inglis, but for nou A'll keep ma Spainyie."[18] Juanes planned tae launch his awn muisic label, namit 4J, in October 2007, tae be distributit bi theUniversal Music Group.[19] He wis wirkin on a new album an aw, titledLa Vida... Es Un Ratico (Life is a Little Moment).[20]
La Vida... Es Un Ratico wis released on 23 October 2007 wi the first single bein "Me Enamora" (I faw in luve). The seicont single wis "Gotas de Agua Dulce" (drops of sweet watter), an the third single became the vallenato fusion o "Tres" (three).
On 11 Dizember 2007, Juanes performit at theNobel Peace Prize Concert inOslo, Norawa thegither wi a variety o airtists, which wis broadcast live tae ower 100 kintras.[21]
On 24 November 2008, Juanes re-released the album as"La vida... es un ratico (en vivo)" [Deluxe Edition][2 CD/DVD Combo]". The album aside the 14 oreeginal sangs, contains twa previously unreleased sangs: "Falsas Palabras" (false words) an "Odio Por Amor" (hate for luve) which is the current single. This new re-edeetion includes seiven live versions o sangs played durin his U.S. La Vida Tour an aw. As anither bonus addit, Juanes includit a duet o his sang "Hoy Me Voy" (the day I leave) wiAmerican sangsterColbie Caillat. The DVD contains the muisic videos o the fower singles o the CD as well as a few live video recordins o the US tour.
2010-present:P.A.R.C.E an his Juanes MTV Unplugged
In 2010, Juanes performit in the2010 FIFA World Cup Kickoff Concert, as well as theMacy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. In addeetion, he released his albumP.A.R.C.E. which featurt the #1 Billboard hitYerbatero an the tap-ten hitY No Regresas. On 17 Februar, Juanes performit live on the third single frae thair fift studio albumRegalito in the delivery o thePremios Lo Nuestro. The album haes sauld 1 million copies warldwide.[22]In Februar 2012, the Colombie sangster Juanes teuk the stage atJuanes MTV Unplugged tae record a live album at the direction oJuan Luis Guerra.[23]In 6 Mairch, Juanes will release "La Señal" as an unreleased sang frae his Unplugged.
Juanes met model/actressKaren Martínez durin the filmin o his video "Podemos Hacernos Daño". On 6 August 2004 thay wur marriet. The couple separated in Mey 2007 efter three years o marriage due tae unresolvit differences, but reconciled fower month later.[24][25] Thay hae twa dochters (Paloma Aristizábal Martínez an Luna Aristizábal Martínez) an a son namit Dante Aristizábal Martínez.[26]
Juanes is oBasque strynd, an currently lives in Key Biscayne, Florida.[27]