TheVrije Universiteit Brussel, the Dutch-speakin university oBrussels haes biggit its hospital an medical campus in Jette, while its ither biggins are in the so-criedEtterbeek campus actually locatit inIxelles or Elsene.
Neolithic tools an remains o aGallo-Romanvilla hae been foond on the territory o Jette, provin the auld age o the first settlements in this aurie. The fact that its first kirk wis dedicatit taeSaunt Peter an aa indicates early Christianization. Durin the Middle Ages, pairts o the territory wurfeudal dependencies o theDuchy o Brabant. Unner the duke’s protection, theAbbey o Dieleghem wis foondit in 1095 bi theBishop o Cambrai an admeenistered biAugustiniancanons. In 1140, the abbey’s monks switched tae the rules o thePremonstratensian order. In the 13t century, the abbey nou cried Dieleghem possessed hauf o the commune’s territory an played an important social an economic role till theFrench Revolution.
Durin the “Auld Regime”, Jette wis pairt o the town ofMerchtem. In the 17t century, the meenister o finances unner AirchdukesAlbert anIsabella acquired an refurbished the auld 12t centuryRivieren castle inGanshoren, near Jette. In 1654, the meenister’s son made this estate intae abarony, then five years later intae acoonty, which includit Jette an several neighbourin veelages.
In the 1790s, the regime that wis put in pouer bi theFrench Revolution curtailed the releegious freedoms drastically. The monks wur expulsed frae the abbey in 1796 an maist o the biggins demolished the follaein year. Anerlie the abbott’s hoose wis kept, as a leisure hoose. In 1841, the veelage o Ganshoren split frae Jette. Durin the follaein decades, wha remained o Jette gradually lost its rural character tae become aBrussels suburb. Its population, which wis aroond 10,000 in 1900 grew tae mair nor 40,000 in 1971.