Japan (Japanese:日本Nippon[nip̚põ̞ɴ] orNihon[nihõ̞ɴ]; formally日本国Nippon-koku orNihon-koku, meanin "State o Japan") is a sovereign island naition in Eastren Asie. Locatit in thePaceefic Ocean, it lies off the eastren coast o the Asie Mainland (east oCheenae,Korea,Roushie) an stretches frae theSea o Okhotsk in the north tae the East Cheenae Sea anTaiwan in the soothwast.
The kanji that mak up Japan's name mean "sun origin". 日 can be rade asni an means sun while 本 can be rade ashon, orpon an means origin. Japan is eften referred tae in the Wast bi the famous epithet "Laund o the Risin Sun" in reference tae its Japanese name.[10]
Japan is astratovolcanic airchipelago conseestin o aboot 6,852 islands. The fower lairgest areHonshu,Hokkaido,Kyushu anShikoku, which mak up aboot ninety-seiven percent o Japan's laund aurie an eften are referred tae as hame islands. The kintra is dividit intae 47prefecturs in aicht regions.Hokkaido bein the normaist prefectur anOkinawa bein the soothmaist yin. The population o 127 million is thewarld's tent lairgest.Japanese fowk mak up 98.5% o Japan's tot population. Aboot 9.1 million fowk bide in the core ceety oTokyo,[11] the caipital o Japan.
Airchaeological resairch indicates that Japan wis inhaibitit as early as the Upper Paleolithic period. The first written mention o Japan is in Cheenese history texts frae the 1st century AD. Influence frae ither regions, mainly Cheenae, follaed bi periods o isolation, pairteecularly frae Wastren Europe, haes chairacterised Japan's history. Frae the 12t yearhunner tae 1868, Japan wis ruled bi successive feudal militarshoguns wha ruled in the name o theEmperor.
Japan entered intae a lang period o isolation in the early 17t century, which wis endit in 1853 when a Unitit States fleet pressured Japan tae open tae the Wast. Efter nearly twa decades o internal conflict an insurrection, the Imperial Coort regained its poleetical pouer in 1868 throu the help o several clans frae Chōshū an Satsuma, an theEmpire o Japan wis established. In the late 19t an early 20t centuries, victories in the First Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War anWarld War I alloued Japan tae stend its empire during a period o increasin militarism.
The Seicont Sino-Japanese War in 1937 stendit tae pairt oWorld War II in 1941, which came tae an end in 1945 follaein the atomic bombins o Hiroshima an Nagasaki an the Japanese surrender. Efter adoptin its revised constitution on the 3rd Mey 1947 durin the occupation bi the SCAP, Japan haes maineened a unitarpairlamentaryconstitutional monarchy wi anEmperor an an electit legislatur cried the Naitional Diet.
Japan is a member o theUN, theOECD, the G7, the G8, an theG20 an is seen as agreat pouer.[12][13][14] The kintra haes the warld's third maist muckle economy bi nominal GDP an the warld's fowert maist muckle economy bi purchasin pouer parity. It is an aa the waarld's fowert maist muckle exporter an fowert maist muckle importer. The kintra benefits frae a heichly skilled wirkforce an is amang the maist heichly eddicatit kintras in the warld, wi ane o the heichest percentages o its ceetizens hauldin a tertiary eddication degree.[15]
Awtho Japan haes offeecially taen back its richt tae declare war, it mainteens a modren militar wi the warld's aicht maist muckle militar budget,[16] uised for sel-defence an peacekeepin roles. Japan is a developit kintra wi a very heich staundart o bidin anHuman Development Index. Its population injoys theheichest life expectancy an the third lawest infant mortality rate in the warld.[17][18]
↑T. V. Paul; James J. Wirtz; Michel Fortmann (2005)."Great+power"Balance of Power. United States of America: State University of New York Press, 2005. pp. 59, 282.ISBN0-7914-6401-6.Accordingly, the great powers after the Cold War are Britain, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, and the United States p.59
↑Baron, Joshua (22 Januar 2014).Great Power Peace and American Primacy: The Origins and Future of a New International Order. United States: Palgrave Macmillan.ISBN1-137-29948-7.