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Jack Brabham

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Jack Brabham in 1966

SirJohn Arthur "Jack" Brabham,AO,OBE (2 Aprile192619 Mey2014) wis anAustralie umwhile racin driver who wisFormula One champion in 1959, 1960 an 1966. He won the Australian Grand Prix in 1955, 1963 an 1964. He wis a founder of theBrabham racin team an race car builder that carrit his name.

In 2000 the Australian Govrenment gae him theAustralian Sports Medal,[1] an in 2001 he wis gien theAustralian Centenary Medal for services tae motor sport.[2]

Brabham deit at his home inSydney on19 Mey2014, agit 88.[3]


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  1. "It's an Honour - Honours - Search Australian Honours" Archived fraethe original on 19 Mey 2014. Retrieved26 September 2010.
  2. "It's an Honour - Honours - Search Australian Honours" Archived fraethe original on 19 Mey 2014. Retrieved26 September 2010.
  3. Hagon, Toby (19 Mey 2014)."Sir Jack Brabham dead".The Age. Fairfax Media. Retrieved19 Mey 2014.
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