Imereti (Georgie:იმერეთი) is a province inGeorgie situatit alang the middle an upper reaches o theRioni river.
In lateantiquity an earlyMiddle Ages the auncient wastren Georgie kinrick oEgrisi existit on the territory o Imereti. Its king declaredChristianity as an offeecial releegion o Egrisi in 523 AD. In 975-1466 Imereti wis pairt o the unitit Georgie Kinrick. Syne its disintegration in the 15t century, Imereti wis an independent kinrick.
In the 17t-18t centuries the kinrick of Imereti suffered frequent invasions bi theTurks an recognizit tae patronage oOttoman Empire till 1810, when it wis annexed bi theRoushie Empire. The last king o Imereti wisSolomon II (1789-1810).
Frae 1918 tae 1921, Imereti wis pairt o the independentDemocratic Republic o Georgie. Athin theUSSR, the region wis pairt o theTranscaucasian SFSR frae 1922–1936, an pairt o theGeorgie SSR frae 1936–1991. Syne Georgie unthirldom in 1991, Imereti haes been a region in the Georgie wi Kutaisi as the regional caipital.
Imereti consists o the follaein Georgie admeenistrative-territorial units:
- Kutaisi (ceety)
- Baghdati region
- Vani region
- Zestafoni region
- Terjola region
- Samtredia region
- Sachkhere region
- Tkibuli region
- Chiatura region
- Tskaltubo region
- Kharagauli region
- Khoni region
The province's main ceety isKutaisi; ither urban industrial centers includeSamtredia,Chiatura (manganese production centre),Tkibuli (coal minin centre),Zestaponi (kent for metals production),Khoni, anSachkhere. Traditionally, Imereti is an agricultural region, kent for itsmulberries angrapes.
The 550,000 Imeretians speak aGeorgiedialect; they are ane o the local cultur-groups o the ethnically subdividitGeorgie fowk.