I (namedi/ˈaɪ/, pluralies)[1] is the nintletter an avowel in theISO basic Latin alphabet.
Egyptian hieroglyph ꜥ | Phoenician Yodh | Etruscan I | Greek Iota |
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InSemitic, the letter mey hae originatit in ahieroglyph for an airm that representit avoiced pharyngeal fricative (/ʕ/) inEgyptian, but wis reassigned tae/j/ (as in Inglis "yes") bi Semites, acause thair wird for "airm" began wi that soond. This letter coud an aa be uised tae represent/i/, theclose front unrounded vowel, mainly in foreign wirds.
The Greeks adoptit a fairm o thisPhoenicianyodh as thair letteriota (⟨Ι, ι⟩) tae represent/i/, the same as in theAuld Italic alphabet. In Latin (as in Modren Greek), it wis an aa uised tae represent/j/ an this uise persists in the leids that descendit frae Latin. The modren letter 'j' wis firstly a variation o 'i', an baith wur uised interchyngeably for baith the vowel an the consonant, comin tae be differentiated anly in the 16t century. The dot ower the lawercase 'i' is whiles cried atittle. In theTurkish alphabet,dotted an dotless I are considered separate letters, representin a front an back vowel, respectively, an baith hae uppercase ('I', 'İ') an lawercase ('ı', 'i') fairms.
In modren Inglis, 'i' represents different soonds, aither a "lang" diphthong/aɪ/ as inkite, which developed frae Middlin Inglis/iː/ efter theGreat Vowel Shift o the 15t century, or the "short"/ɪ/ as inbill.
The letter 'I' is the fift maist common letter in theInglis leid. It is an aa uised in mathematics tae denote theimaginary unit
- 1 An aa for encodings based on ASCII, includin the DOS, Windows, ISO-8859 an Macintosh faimilies o encodins.
- ↑Brown & Kiddle (1870)The institutes of English grammar, p. 19.
Ies is the plural of the English name of the letter; the plural of the letter itself is rendered I's,Is, i's, oris.
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