The pintle is uised tae pee (urinate) an ejaculate (mak babbies by steerinsperm intae thevagina).Fur human beins, the pintle is seembol o sexual pleisur an lust. It is subject tae contests atween lads whaur thay compare thair sizes. This gaes alang wi the fause idea that a langer pintle gies awumman mair pleisur. It's pruiven scienteefical-like thit this is wrang.
The threeAbrahamic Releegion's beuks contain the order tae circumcise the pintle o the bairn. BaithJudaism anIslam follae these order, whilesChristianity prefer tae ignore it. The cause o this order is, in the Bible, that "Abraham, thou shalt mak a treaty o confidence wi me, an far that respect an the remembrance o this treaty, thy bairns shall hae the pintle circumcised."Freud in his beuk Mose an monotheism, tawks aboot this order bein copied frae the Egyptians, acause, he says, o Mose bein Egyptian an circumcised.Afore, pintles war aften circumcised bi cutters in gey barbarian ways; nou the Medecine services can dae it in a gey clean ane. Whiles non-releegious fowk circumcise thair bairns acause o a unpotent (benin) sickness ca'd "Phimosis".
The circumcision o a pintle biEgyptian fowk.election pintle.
Bi comparison tae ither primates (3 cm far gorillas, 4 far the orang-outang, 8 far chimpanzees), human pintle size is gey important.The pintle size varies efter the ethnie: in Europe the middle size o a pintle (adult tael) is: 7 tae 8 cm "restin", 13 tae 15 erectin. In the Unitit States it is 14,11 cm. The donkey haes the maist lang pintle o aw the mammals, wi 75 cm in erection, juist befor the stallion (see the image).