Hartford is the caipital o the U.S. state oConnecticut an the historic seat oHartford Coonty till Connecticut disbanditcoonty govrenment in 1960. As o the2010 Census, Hartford's population wis 124,775,[1] makin it Connecticut's fowert-lairgest ceety efter the coastal ceeties oBridgeport,New Haven, anStamford.
Elk-namit the "Insurance Caipital o the Warld", Hartford hooses mony insurance company heidquairters, an insurance remains the region's major industry.[2] Amaist 400 year auld, Hartford is amang the auldest ceeties in the Unitit States. Follaein theAmerican Ceevil War, Hartford wis the walthiest ceety in the Unitit States for several decades.[3] In 1868, Mark Twain wrote afore he dee'd, "Of all the beautiful towns it has been my fortune to see this is the chief."[4] The day, Hartford is ane o the poorest ceeties in the naition wi 3 oot o ivery 10 faimilies livin belaw thepoverty line.[5]
In 2004, the Hartford metropolitan aurie rankit seicont naitionally in per caipita economic activity, ahint anerlySan Francisco. Hartford is hame tae the naition's auldest public airt museum, theWadsworth Atheneum; the auldest public paurk,Bushnell Park; the auldest continuously published newspaper,The Hartford Courant; the seicont-auldest seicontar schuil,Hartford Public, an theMark Twain House whaur the author wrote his maist famous wirks an raised his faimily, amang ither historically significant attractions.
Hartford featurs numeroussister ceeties. Thay include:[6]
Bydgoszcz, Poland: A ceety in north-central Poland. It is pairt o the metroplex Bydgoszcz-Toruń wi Toruń, anerly 45 km awa, an ower 358,000 indwallers.
Caguas, Puerto Rico: A midsizit ceety in central Puerto Rico. The ceety o Hartford haes the heichest percentage o indwallers wi Puerto Rican ancestry in the continental Unitit States.
Floridia, Italy: A smaw suburb oSiracusa locatit on the sootheastren coast o the island oSicily.
Freetown, Sierra Leone: Caipital Ceety o Sierra Leone.
Hertford, England: The toun haes a population o aboot 24,000 an serves mony commuters tae Lunnon. The toun haes a kintra feel while anerly 20 mile (30 km) north o Lunnon.
Mangualde, Portugal: A smaw toun inCentro Region that is vera close tae theSerra da Estrela Muntains.
Morant Bay, Jamaica: A toun in sootheastren Jamaica. It wis the stairtin pynt o the anerly peasant rebellion in Jamaican history.
New Ross, Ireland: A smaw toun in sootheastIreland, at the confluence o theRiver Barrow an theRiver Nore. It is the ancestral hame o theKennedy faimily.
Ocotal, Nicaragua: A lairge toun in northren Nicaragua.
Thessaloniki, Greece This mediterranean port is Greece's seicont lairgest ceety, wi a population o juist ower 1 million fowk.
Dongguan, Cheenae: A famous big ceety in sooth Cheenae.