Gwynedd (Welsh pronunciation: [ˈɡwɪnɛð]) is acoonty in north-wastWales, named efter the auldKinrick o Gwynedd. Although ane o the biggest in terms o geographical aurie, it is an aa ane o the maist sparsely populatit. A muckle proportion o the population isWelsh-speakin.
Gwynedd is the hame oBangor University an includes the scenicLlŷn Peninsula, an maist o theSnowdonia National Park.
The name "Gwynedd" is an aa uised for apreserved coonty, coverin theIsle o Anglesey as well as the current coonty. Culturally an historically, the name can an aa be uised for maist o north Wales, correspondin tae the approximate territory o the Kinrick o Gwynedd at its fullest extent: Gwynedd Uwch Conwy an Gwynedd Is Conwy).
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