Freddie Mercury (bornFarrokh Bulsara; 5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991) wis a Breetish sangster, sangwriter an record producer, kent as thelead vocalist an co-principal sangwriter o the rock baundQueen. He becam kent for his flamboyant stage persona an fower-octave vocal range an aa.[2][3][4] Mercury wrate an componed numerous hits for Queen (includin "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Killer Queen", "Somebody to Love", "Don't Stop Me Now", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", an "We Are the Champions"); occasionally serrt as a producer an guest muisicker (piano or vocals) for ither artists; an concurrently led a solo career whiles performin wi Queen.
Mercury wis born oParsi strynd in theSultanate o Zanzibar an grew up thare an in Indie till his mid-teens, afore flittin wi his faimily tae Middlesex, Ingland — ultimately formin the baund Queen in 1970 wiBrian May anRoger Taylor. Mercury dee'd in 1991 at age 45 due tae complications fraeAIDS, haein confirmt the day afore his daith that he haed contractit the disease.
In 1992, Mercury wis posthumously awairdit theBrit Awaird for Ootstaundin Contreibution tae Breetish Music, an haed atribute concert haudit at Wembley Stadium, Lunnon. As a member o Queen, he wis inducted intae theRock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2001, theSongwriters Hall of Fame in 2003, theUK Music Hall of Fame in 2004, an the baund received a starn on theHollywood Walk of Fame in 2002. In 2002, he wis placed at nummer 58 in the BBC's poll o the100 Greatest Britons. Conseestently votit ane o the greatest sangsters in the history o popular muisic, Mercury wis votit best male sangster o aw time in a 2005 poll organised biBlender anMTV2;[5] wis eleckit in 2009 as the best rock sangster o aw time biClassic Rock readers;[6] wis ranked at 18 on the 2008Rolling Stone leet o the 100 greatest sangsters iver;[4] — an wis descrieved by Greg Prato oAllMusic as "ane o rock's greatest aw-time enterteeners," wi "ane o the greatest vyces in aw o muisic."[7]