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Facebook, Inc.
Teep o businessPublic
Teep o steid
Social networkin service
Available inMultilingual (140)
FoonditFebruar 4, 2004
(21 years ago)
HeidquartersMenlo Park,Californie, US
Area servedUnitit States (2004–05)
Warldwide (2005–present)
Key fowkMark Zuckerberg
(Chairman andCEO)
Sheryl Sandberg
RevenueIncreaseUS$27.638 billion (2016)[1]
Operatin incomeIncreaseUS$12.427 billion (2016)[1]
Net incomeIncreaseUS$10.217 billion (2016)[1]
Tot assetsIncreaseUS$64.961 billion (2016)[1]
Total equityIncreaseUS$59.194 billion (2016)[1]
Employees17,048 (December 31, 2016)[2]
Oculus VR
Alexa rankSteady 3 (Februar 2017[update])[3]
UsersIncrease 1.86 billion monthly active users (December 31, 2016)[2]
Current statusActive
Written inC++,PHP[4] anD leid[5]

Facebook is an Americanfor-profit corporation an an onwabsocial media ansocial networkin service based inMenlo Park, Californie. The Facebook wabsteid wis lencht on Februar 4, 2004, biMark Zuckerberg, alang wi fallaeHarvard College students an roommates,Eduardo Saverin,Andrew McCollum,Dustin Moskovitz, anChris Hughes.[6][7]

The foonders haed ineetially leemitit the wabsteid's membership tae Harvard students; houiver, later thay expandit it taeheicher eddication institutions in the Boston aurie, theIvy League schuils, anStanford Varsity. Facebook gradually addit support for students at various ither varsities, an eventually tae heich schuil students as well. Syne 2006, onyane wha claims tae be at least 13 year auld haes been alloued tae acome a registered uiser o Facebook, tho variations exeest in the meenimum age requirement, dependin on applicable local laws.[8] The Facebook name comes frae theface beuk directories eften gien tae Unitit States varsity students.[9]

Facebook mey be accessed bi a lairge range odesktaps,laptaps,tablet computers, ansmairtphones oqer theInternet anmobile networks. Efter registerin tae uise the steid, uisers can creaut auiser profile indicatin thair name, thrift, schuils attendit an sae on. Uisers can add ither users as"friends", excheenge messages, post status updates andeegital photos, share deegital videos an airtins, uise varioussaftware applications ("apps"), an receive notifications whan ithers update thair profiles or mak posts. Additionally, uisers mey jyne common-interest uiser groups organised bi wirkplace, schuil, habbies or ither topics, an categorise thair friends intae leets sic as "Fowk Frae Wark" or "Close Friends". In groups, eeditors can pin posts tae tap. Addeetionally, uisers can complain aboot or block unpleisant fowk. Acause o the lairge vollum o data that uisers submit tae the service, Facebook haes come unner scrutiny for its preevacy policies. Facebook maks maist o its revenue fraeadvertisements THAT appear onscreen, mercatin access for its customers tae its uisers an offerin heichly selective adverteesin opportunities.[10]

Facebook, Inc. held itsineetial public offerin (IPO) in Februar 2012, an begoud sellinstock tae the public three month later, reachin an oreeginal peakmercat caipitalisation o $104 billion. On Julie 13, 2015, Facebook becam the fastest company in theStandard & Poor's 500 Index tae reach a mercat cap o $250 billion.[11] Facebook haes mair nor2 billion monthly active uisers as o Juin 2017.[12][13] As o Apryle 2016, Facebook wis the maist popular social networkin steid in the warld, based on the nummer o active uiser accoonts.[14] Facebook clessifees uisers frae the ages o 13 tae 18 as minors an tharefore sets thair profiles tae share content wi friends anerly.[15]


  1. abcde"10-K Annual Report".SEC Filings. Facebook. 28 Januar 2017. Retrieved3 Februar 2017.
  2. ab"Company Info | Facebook Newsroom". Facebook. 2 Februar 2017.
  3. " Site Info".Alexa Internet. Archived fraethe original on 21 December 2016. Retrieved1 Februar 2017.
  4. Clarke, Gavin (2 Februar 2010)."Facebook re-write takes PHP to an enterprise past".The Register. London.
  5. Bridgwater, Adrian (16 October 2013)."Facebook Adopts D Language".Dr Dobb's. San Francisco.
  6. Carlson, Nicholas (5 Mairch 2010)."At Last -- The Full Story Of How Facebook Was Founded".Business Insider.Axel Springer SE. Retrieved23 Mairch 2017.
  7. Phillips, Sarah (25 Julie 2007)."A brief history of Facebook".The Guardian.Guardian Media Group. Retrieved23 Mairch 2017.
  8. "Information For Parents and Educators". Facebook. Retrieved1 Mairch 2015.
  9. Eldon, Eric (18 December 2008)."2008 Growth Puts Facebook In Better Position to Make Money".VentureBeat. San Francisco. Retrieved19 December 2008.
  10. Lanchester, John,You Are the Product, London Review of Books, Vol. 39 No. 16, 17 August 2017, pages 3-10
  11. Michelle F. Davis (13 Julie 2015)."Facebook Close Sets Speed Record for $250 Billion Market Cap"
  12. Welch, Chris (27 Juin 2017)."Facebook crosses 2 billion monthly users".The Verge.Vox Media. Retrieved27 Juin 2017.
  13. Constine, Josh (27 Juin 2017)."Facebook now has 2 billion monthly users… and responsibility".TechCrunch.AOL. Retrieved1 Julie 2017.
  14. "Leading global social networks 2016 | Statistic".Statista. Retrieved29 Apryle 2016.
  15. Hajirnis, Aditi (1 December 2015)."Social media networking: Parent guidance required".The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior Letter (in Inglis).31 (12): 1–7.doi:10.1002/cbl.30086.ISSN 1556-7575.
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