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Federal Bureau o Investigation

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
(Reguidit fraeFBI)

TheFederal Bureau o Investigation (FBI) is agovrenmental agency belangin tae theUnitit StatesDepairtment o Justice that serves as baith afederal criminal investigative body an an internalintelligence agency (coonterintelligence). An aenment agency responsible for investigatin crimes onHamespun American reservations in the Unitit States[1] unner theMajor Crimes Act. The FBI haes investigativejurisdiction ower violations o mair nor 200 categories ofederal crime.[2]

The bureau wis established in 1908 as the Bureau o Investigation (BOI). Its name wis chynged tae the Federal Bureau o Investigation (FBI) in 1935. The FBIheidquarters is theJ. Edgar Hoover Biggin, locatit inWashington, D.C. The bureau has fifty-saxfield offices locatit in major ceeties throughoot the Unitit States, an mair nor 400 resident agencies in lesser ceeties an auries athort the naition. Mair nor 50 internaitional offices cried "legalattachés" exist inU.S. embassies an consulates general warldwide.


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  1. "FBI — Indian Country Crime". 16 Apryle 2010. Retrieved3 Mairch 2012.
  2. "Federal Bureau of Investigation – Quick Facts". Federal Bureau of Investigation. Archived fraethe original on 27 Juin 2009. Retrieved30 December 2013.
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