Espoo (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈespoː];Swadish:Esbo,[ˈɛsbo]) is the seicont lairgestceety anmunicipality inFinland. The population o the ceety o Espoo is 234,930 (Mairch 31, 2010). It is pairt o theHelsinki Metropolitan Aurie alang wi the ceeties oHelsinki,Vantaa, anKauniainen. Espoo shares its eastren mairch wi Helsinki an Vantaa, while enclosing Kauniainen. The day, Espoo is the anerlie municipality in Finland tae fully enclose anither municipality. The ceety is on the shore o theGulf o Finland, in the region oUusimaa.
TheHelsinki University o Technology is based inOtaniemi, Espoo, alang wi a thriving science community that includes numerous startups an organisations sic asVTT – the Technical Research Center o Finland.Nokia, the telecommunications company, is headquartered inKeilaniemi, Espoo, alang wi ither heich-tech companies sic asKONE,Tekla anFortum.
The ceety o Espoo is offeeciallybilingual. The majority o the population speaksFinnish as thair mither tongue an thay staund at 83.6% o the population. The minority speaksFinland Swadish an thay staund at 8.3 percent o the population. Espoo's population that haes afirst leid ither than Finnish or Swadish staund at 8% o the population.