The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (Dizember 2020)
Eilat (Hebrew:אֵילַת,Arabic:إيلات(audio) (help·info)) isIsrael'ssoothmaist ceity, a busyport as well as a popularresort, locatit at the northren tip o theRed Sea, on theGulf o Eilat (orGulf o Aqaba). Hame tae 49,734 fowk,[2] the ceity is pairt o the SoothrenNegev Desert, at the soothren end o theArava. The ceity is adjacent tae theEgyptian veelage oTaba tae the sooth, theJordanian port ceity oAqaba tae the east, an athin sicht oSaudi Arabie tae the sooth-east, athort the gulf. Eilat's ariddesert climate is moderatit bi proximity tae a warm sea. Temperaturs aften exceed 40 °C (104 °F) in simmer, an 21 °C (70 °F) in winter, while watter temperaturs range atween 20 an 26 °C (68 an 79 °F). The ceity's beaches, nichtlife an desert landscapes mak it a popular destination for domestic an internaitional tourism.
The geology an landscape are varied: igneous anmetamorphic rocks, sandstane an limestane; muntains up tae 892 metres (2,927 ft)abuin sea level; broad valleys such as the Arava, an seashore on the Gulf o Aqaba. With an annual average rainfaw o 28 millimetres (1.1 in) an simmer temperaturs o 40 °C (104 °F) an heicher,watter resoorces an vegetation are leemitit. The main elements that influenced the region's history wur the copper resoorces an ither minerals, the auncient internaitional roads that crossed the aurie, an its geopoleetical an strategic position. These resultit in a settlement density that defies the environmental conditions.[3]
↑Avner, U. 2008. Eilat Region. In, A. Stern (ed.). The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavation inthe Holy Land, Volume 5 (Supplementary). Jerusalem. 1704-1711.