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Euskadi Ta Askatasuna, orETA (Inglis:Basque Homeland and Freedom;Scots:Basque Hameland an Freedom")is an airmedBasque naitionalist anseparatist organisation. The group wis foondit in 1959 an haes syne evolved frae a group promotin traditionalBasque cultur tae a paramilitary group wi the goal o gainin unthirldom for theGreater Basque Kintra frae aMarxist-Leninist perspective. ETA is the main organisation o theBasque Naitional Leeberation Movement an is the maist important participant in theBasque conflict.

ETA's motto is Bietan jarrai ("Keep up on baith"), referrin tae the twa figures in its seembol, a snake (representin politics) wrapped aroond an axe (representin airmed struggle).

Syne 1968, ETA haes killed ower 800 individuals, injured thoosans an unnertaken dozens o kidnappins. The group is proscribed as aterrorist organization bi the Spainyie an Frenchauthority, as well as theEuropean Union as a whole, an theUnitit States. This convention is follaed bi a plurality o domestic an internaitional media, which an aa refer tae the group as "terrorists". Mair nor 700 members o the organization are incarceratit in preesons in Spain, Fraunce, an ather kintras.

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