| The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid.Pleasemak this airticle mair better gin ye can. |
Adishailth is a pairteecular abnormal,pathological condeetion that affects pairt or aw o anorganism. The study o disease is criedpathology which includes the causal study oetiology. Disease is eften construed as amedical condeetion associatit wi speceeficsymptoms ansigns.[1] It mey be caused bi freemit factors such aspathogens, or it mey be caused bi internal dysfunctions pairticularly o theimmune system such as animmunodeficiency, or ahypersensitivity includinallergies anautoimmunity.
When caused bi pathogens (i.e.Plasmodium ssp. in malaria), even in the scienteefic leeteratur, the term disease is eften misleadinly uised in the place o its causal augent,viz. the pathogen. This leid habitat can cause confuision in the communication o the cause-effect principle in epidemiology, an as such it shoud be strangly discouraged.[2]
In humans,disease is eften uised mair broadly tae refer tae ony condeetion that causespyne,dysfunction,distress,social problems, ordaith tae the person afflictit, or seemilar problems for thae in contact wi the person. In this broader sense, it whiles includesinjuries,disabeelities,disorders,syndromes,infections, isolatitsymptoms, deviantbehaviours, an atypicalvariations o structur an function, while in ither contexts an for ither purposes thir mey be conseedered distinguishable categories.
Daith due tae disease is crieddaith bi naitural causes. Thare are fower main types o disease:infectious diseases, deficiency diseases,genetic diseases (baithhereditary an non-hereditary), an physiological diseases. Diseases can an aa be clessified ascommunicable annon-communicable. The deidliest diseases in humans arecoronary artery disease (bluid flow obstruction), follaed bicerebrovascular disease anlawer respiratory infections.[3]