Dikirnis (Arabic: دكرنس ) is a toun in the centre o theDakahlia Govrenorate oEgyp. It is situatit aboot 20 km east oMansoura, the caipital o Dakahlia.
Alang wi Mansoura an ither northren ceeties, Dikirnis forms a pairt o the Dakahlia Govrenorate. The toun is hame tae ane o the auldest seicontary schuils in Egyp, Ali Mubarak Schuil, which wis biggit in 1911.
Dekernes is the main ceety in DekernesMarkaz (Center). It is surroondit bi mony sma veelages which form a pairt o Dekernes Markaz sic as:
Local unit o Demouh:
Local unit o Demeshalt:
Local unit o Negeir: