Coventry is situatit 95 mile (153 km) northwast oLunnon an 19 mile (31 km) east oBirmingham, an is further frae the coast than ony itherceety in Breetain. Awtho harbourin a population o amaist a third o a million indwallers, Coventry is no amangst theInglis Core Ceeties Group due tae its proximity tae Birmingham.
Coventry wis the warld's first 'twin ceety' whan it formed a twinnin relationship wi theRoushie ceety oStalingrad (nouVolgograd) duringWarld War II. The relationship developed throu ordinary fowk in Coventry who wantit tae shaw thair support for theSovietRed Airmy durin theBattle o Stalingrad.[4] The ceety is nou an aa twinned wiDresden,Lidice an wi 26 ither ceeties aroond the warld.
Coventry first twinned wi (Volgograd, Roushie). Efter Warld War II Coventry twinned wiDresden as an act o peace an reconciliation, baith ceeties haein been vera hivily bombed durin the war. Each twin ceety kintra is representit in a specific ward o the ceety an in each ward haes a peace gairden dedicatit tae that twin ceety.
Coventry is nou twinned wi 26 places athort the warld: