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Coordinates:52°24′29″N1°30′38″W / 52.40806°N 1.51056°W /52.40806; -1.51056

Coventry skyline

Coventry (Inglis pronunciation: [ˈkɒvəntɹi],[ˈkʌvəntɹi]) is aceety anmetropolitan borough in thecoonty oWast Midlands inIngland. Coventry is the 9t lairgest ceety in Ingland an the 11t lairgest in the Unitit Kinrick.[1] It is an aa the seicont lairgest ceety in theInglis Midlands, efterBirmingham, wi a population o 300,848,[2][3] awtho baithLeicester anNottingham hae lairger urban auries. The population o Coventry haes risen tae 309,800 as o 2008.

Coventry is situatit 95 mile (153 km) northwast oLunnon an 19 mile (31 km) east oBirmingham, an is further frae the coast than ony itherceety in Breetain. Awtho harbourin a population o amaist a third o a million indwallers, Coventry is no amangst theInglis Core Ceeties Group due tae its proximity tae Birmingham.

Coventry wis the warld's first 'twin ceety' whan it formed a twinnin relationship wi theRoushie ceety oStalingrad (nouVolgograd) duringWarld War II. The relationship developed throu ordinary fowk in Coventry who wantit tae shaw thair support for theSovietRed Airmy durin theBattle o Stalingrad.[4] The ceety is nou an aa twinned wiDresden,Lidice an wi 26 ither ceeties aroond the warld.

Coventry Cathedral is ane o the newercathedrals in the warld, haein been biggit follaein the Warld War II bombin o the auncient cathedral bi theLuftwaffe. Coventry motor companies hae contributit significantly taeo theBreetish motor industry, an it haes twa varsities, the ceety centre-basedCoventry University an theUniversity o Warwick on the soothern ootskirts.

Twin ceeties

[eedit |eedit soorce]

Coventry first twinned wi (Volgograd, Roushie). Efter Warld War II Coventry twinned wiDresden as an act o peace an reconciliation, baith ceeties haein been vera hivily bombed durin the war. Each twin ceety kintra is representit in a specific ward o the ceety an in each ward haes a peace gairden dedicatit tae that twin ceety.

Coventry is nou twinned wi 26 places athort the warld:

BannerCeetyKintraYear TwinnedWard
AustralieParkes, New Sooth WalesAustralie1956Bablake
AustrickGrazAustrick[5]1957Binley & Willenhall
Bosnie an HerzegovinaeSarajevoBosnie an Herzegovinae1957Cheylesmore
CanadaeCornwall, OntarioCanadae1972Earlsdon
Granby, Quebec1963
Windsor, Ontario1963
Fowkrepublic o CheenaeJinanCheenae1983Foleshill
Czech RepublicLidiceCzech Republic1947Henley
GermanyDresdenGermany1959Lawer Stoke
JamaicaKingstonJamaica1962St Michael's
NetherlandsArnhemNetherlands1958Upper Stoke
Republic o IrelandCorkIreland1958Holbrooks
United StatesCoventry, ConnecticutUnitit States1962Wyken
Coventry, New York1972
Coventry, Rhode Island1971


[eedit |eedit soorce]
  1. Leet o Inglis ceeties bi population frae census 2001 figures
  2. "2001 Census: Area Statistics: Key Figures: Area: Coventry (Local Authority)".Neighbourhood Statistics.Office for National Statistics. Archived fraethe original on 29 Juin 2011. Retrieved8 Juin 2010.
  3. 2001 Census Statistics[deid airtin]
  4. "Archived copy". Archived fraethe original on 21 September 2009. Retrieved20 Februar 2011.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. "Twin Towns – Graz Online – English Version". Archived fraethe original on 8 November 2009. Retrieved5 Januar 2010.
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