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Animatit, colour-coded cairt o continents an regions.Dependin on the convention, some continents are consolidatit or subdividit: for example,Eurasie is maist eften subdividit intaeEurope anAsie (red shades), anNorth anSooth Americae are whiles combined intae aneAmericae (green shades).

Acontinent is ane o several very muckle landmasses onYird. Thay are generally identified bi convention rather nor ony strict criteria, wi up tae seiven regions commonly regarded as continents. These are—frae mucklest in size tae smawest:Asie,Africae,North Americae,Sooth Americae,Antarctica,Europe, anAustralie.[1]

Ingeology, continents are describit bi means o tectonic plates.Plate tectonics is the process an study o the movement, collision an diveesion o continents.


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  1. "Continents: What is a Continent?".National Geographic. Retrieved22 August 2009. "Most people recognize seven continents—Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia, from largest to smallest—although sometimes Europe and Asia are considered a single continent, Eurasia."
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