Chicago is the mucklest ceety in theUS state oIllinois. Wi ower 2.8 million indwallers, it is the third mucklest ceety in theUnitit States. Locatit on the soothwastren shore oLoch Michigan, Chicago is the third-maist densely populatit major ceety in the US,[4] an centur o the warld's 26t mucklest metropolitan aurie,[5] wi ower 9.5 million indwallers in three states.[6][7]
Chicago is thecoonty seat oCook Coonty, the seicont mucklest coonty in the Unitit States bi population.
Chicago wis foondit in 1833, near aportage atween theGreat Lochs an theMississippi River wattershed. The day, the ceety retains its status as a major hub for industry, telecommunications an infrastructure, wi O'Hare Internaitional Airport bein theseicont busiest airport in the warld. In 2008[update], the ceety hostit 45.6 million domestic an owerseas visitors.[8] As o 2010, Chicago's metropolitan aurie haes the 4t mucklestGross Domestic Product (GDP) o aw metropolitan auries in the warld.[9]
In a 2010 survey collaboration atweenForeign Policy an A.T Kearney rankin ceeties, Chicago ranked 6t juist efter Paris an Hong Kong.[9] The rankin assesses five dimensions: value o caipital mercats, diversity o human caipital, internaitional information resoorces, internaitional cultural resoorces, an poleetical influence. Chicago haes been ranked biForbes as the warld's 5t maist economically pouerful ceety.[11] Chicago is a stranghauld o theDemocratic Pairty an haes been hame tae mony influential politeecians, includin,Barack Obama.
The ceety's notoriety is expressed in popular cultur is foond in novels, plays, movies, sangs, various types o journals (e.g., sports, entertainment, business, tred, an academic), an the news media. Chicago haes numerous nicknames, which reflect the impressions an opinions aboot historical an contemporary Chicago. The best kent include: "Chi-toun,""Windy Ceety," "Seicont Ceety," an the "Ceety o Big Shoulders.". Chicago haes an aa been cried "the maist American o big ceeties".
Chicago haes a very well-kentcultur. Some o the mony things Chicago is famous for are: Chicago-stylehet dugs, Chicago-style (deep dish) pizza, Maxwell Street Pols Sausage,jazz muisic, an1920sgangsters likAl Capone. Chicago is an aa kent for interestinairchitectur lik theSears Touer, mony museums, an monylyal sports fans.
For mony years, the Sears Touer wis the tawest touer in the warld. It is still the seicont tawest biggin in the Unitit States.
Chicago is a major warld financial centre, wi theseicont lairgest central business destrict in the Unitit States.[13] The ceety is the heidquarters o the Federal Reserve Bank o Chicago (the Seivent Destrict o the Federal Reserve). The ceety is an aa home tae major financial an futurs exchynges.Chase Bank haes its commercial an retail bankin heidquarters in Chicago'sChase Touer.[14]
Thare are mony museums in Chicago. Thir include: Adler Planetarium - biggit in 1930, it is the auldestplanetarium in the warld Airt Institute o Chicago - haes a muckle collection o American anImpressionist airt Field Museum o Naitural History - haesSue, the mucklest an maist completeTyrannosaurusfossil kent Museum o Science an Industry - haes monyexhibits includin a realBoeing 727 jet plane which wis gien tae the museum biUnited Airlines Pols Museum o Americae - Museum hauntit bi famouspiano player Ignace Paderewski, haes muckle collection oPols airt in the biggest Polsceety ootside oPoland Shedd Aquarium - at ane time the warld's mucklestaquarium. Has 19 million liters (5 million gallons) o watter an 22,000 fish