Chess is a twa-playerstrategyboard gemme played on achessboord, a checkered gameboard wi 64 squares arranged in an aicht-bi-aicht grid. It is ane o the warld's maist popular gemmes, played bi millions o fowk warldwide at home, inclubs, online, bicorrespondence, an intoornaments.
Baith player begins the gemme wi 16pieces: anekeeng, anequeen, twaruiks, twaknights, twabishops, an aichtpawns. Ilkane o the sax piece typesmuives different. Pieces is uised tae attack an captur the opponent's pieces, wi the objective tae 'checkmate' the opponent's king bi placin it unner an inescapable threat o captur. In addeetion tae checkmate, the gemme can be wan bi the voluntaryresignation o the opponent, that teepically occurs whan ower muckle hantlematerial is lost, or gif checkmate appears unavoidable. A gemme mey result in adraw in several wyes, whaur neither player wins. The coorse o the gemme is dividit intae three phases:openin,middlegame, anendgemme.
Syne the seicont hauf o the 20t century,computers hae been programmed tae play chess wi increasin success, tae the pynt whaur hame computers can play chess at a vera heich level. In the past twa decades computer analysis haes contributit significantly tae chess theory, parteecular in the endgemme. The computerDeep Blue wis the first machine tae owercome a reignin Warld Chess Champion in a match, whan itdefeatitGarry Kasparov in 1997.