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A selection o black an white chess pieces on a chequered surface.
Pairt o aStaunton chess set (frae left tae richt):
a whitekeeng, a blackruik, a blackqueen,
a whitepawn, a blackknight,
an a whitebishop
Years activec. 6t century – present
Genre(s)Board gemme
Abstract strategy gemme
Setup timec. 1 minute
Playin timeCasual games usually last 10 tae 60 minutes;
toornament gemmes last onywhaur frae aboot
ten minutes (blitz chess) tae sax oors or mair.
Random chanceNone
Skill(s) requiredStrategy,tactics

Chess is a twa-playerstrategyboard gemme played on achessboord, a checkered gameboard wi 64 squares arranged in an aicht-bi-aicht grid. It is ane o the warld's maist popular gemmes, played bi millions o fowk warldwide at home, inclubs, online, bicorrespondence, an intoornaments.

Baith player begins the gemme wi 16pieces: anekeeng, anequeen, twaruiks, twaknights, twabishops, an aichtpawns. Ilkane o the sax piece typesmuives different. Pieces is uised tae attack an captur the opponent's pieces, wi the objective tae 'checkmate' the opponent's king bi placin it unner an inescapable threat o captur. In addeetion tae checkmate, the gemme can be wan bi the voluntaryresignation o the opponent, that teepically occurs whan ower muckle hantlematerial is lost, or gif checkmate appears unavoidable. A gemme mey result in adraw in several wyes, whaur neither player wins. The coorse o the gemme is dividit intae three phases:openin,middlegame, anendgemme.

The first offeecialWarld Chess Champion,Wilhelm Steinitz, claimed his title in 1886; the current Warld Champion is Indian chessGrandmasterViswanathan Anand. In addeetion tae theWarld Championship, thare theWeemen's Warld Championship, theJunior Warld Championship, theWarld Senior Championship, theCorrespondence Chess Warld Championship, theWarld Computer Chess Championship, anBlitz an Rapid Warld Championships. TheChess Olympiad is a popular competeetion amang teams frae different nations. Online chess haes opened amateur an professional competeetion tae a wide an varied group o players. Chess is arecognised sport o theInternaitional Olympic Committee an internaitional chess competeetion is sanctioned bi theWarld Chess Federation (FIDE), which adoptit the nou-standardStaunton chess set in 1924 for uise in aw offeecial gemmes. Thare monychess variants an aa, wi different rules, different pieces, an different boords.

Syne the seicont hauf o the 20t century,computers hae been programmed tae play chess wi increasin success, tae the pynt whaur hame computers can play chess at a vera heich level. In the past twa decades computer analysis haes contributit significantly tae chess theory, parteecular in the endgemme. The computerDeep Blue wis the first machine tae owercome a reignin Warld Chess Champion in a match, whan itdefeatitGarry Kasparov in 1997.


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