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Helsinki is a ceety in Finland.

Aceety is a place whaur a heest o fowk bides thegither. A ceety haes a wheenbiggins angates. It haeshooses or tennements for a lot o fowk tae bide in, shops whaur thay micht can buy things, pairts for fowk tae wirk an a govrenment organisation for tae rin the ceety, an for tae keep law an order in the ceety. A heest o fowk bides in ceeties acause it is eith for thaim tae airt oot an dae the things thay want thare. A ceety for ordinar haes a "ceety centre" whaurgovrenment anbusiness is duin, an pairts cryedsuburbs whaur fowk bides aroond the ootside o the centre.

Whit maks a ceety?

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Hobart is a wee ceety in Australie.

Thare's no a rule that is uised athort the warld for tae decide whit for some places is cryed "ceeties" an ither places is cryed "touns".

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