TheCare Bears is a sucessfuplayockfranchise frae the1980s. Mair nor fowerty million o thir stappitteddybeirs, makkit in a wheen sindry colours, wis selt frae1983 tae1987. Ilka beir haes a name, ajob, an aseembol tied tae it. For ensaumple, "Bedtime Bear" helps fowk sleep, an haes a crescent bluemuin on hiskyte.
The playocks begoud life as chairacters on cairts in1981; the oreeginal airtwark wis duin biElena Kucharik. Sin syne, ither playocks, the Care Bear Cuisins, wis introduced.
Thay kythed in threeainimatitfilms for thecinema in the mid-1980s an aw. A relatitTV series fraeDIC an, efter,Canadae'sNelvana Limitit cam oot at awmaist that same time.
Newlins, Care Bearplayocks haes been brocht back in a new edeetion for the21st century. As pairt o this retour, the Beirs haes kythed in thair first twaDVD films (baithcomputer-ainimatit), an a pucklevideo gemmes an aw.
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