Capellades is kent for the manufactur opaper syne the seiventeent century. Thare is a smaw amoont o agricultur, baithirrigatit (mercat gardenin) an nan-irrigatit (cereals,grapes,awmonds), awtho the territory o the municipality is smaw.Textile anceramic manufactur an tourism durin the simmer contribute tae the local economy an aw.Munich (sport shoes) haes its heidquairters in Capellades.
The steid haes been inhabitit syne the middlePaleolithic era (50000 year BP), an an archeological steid juist belaw the modren toun, kent locally as theAbric Romaní, is open tae the public. Thare is a Museum o Paper (Molí-Museu Paperer) hoosit in a convertit papermill an aw.