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A layeredpoond cake filled wiraspberryjam
anleemon curd, an finished wibuttercreamfrostin
Main ingredientsUisuallyfloor,succar,eggs,butter orile
Cuikbeuk: Cake at Wikibooks Media: Cake

Cake is a fairm obreid or breid-likfuid. In its modren fairms, it is teepically a sweetbakeddessert. In its auldest forms, cakes wur normally fried breads orcheesecakes, an normally haed a disk shape. Determinin whether a gien fuid should be clessifee'd as breid, cake, orpastry can be difficult.

Modren cake, especially layer cakes, normally contain a combination ofloor,succar,eggs, anbutter orile, wi some varieties an aa requirin liquid (teepicallymilk orwatter) an leavenin agents (sic asbaurm orbakin powder). Flavorful ingredients lik fruitpurées,nits,dried orcandied fruit, orextracts are eften addit, an numerous substitutions for the primary ingredients are possible. Cakes are eften filled wifruit preserves or dessert sauces (likpastry cream), iced wibuttercream or ether icins, an decoratit wimarzipan, piped borders or candied fruit.[1]

Cake is eften the dessert o choice for meals at ceremonial occasions, parteecularlyweddins,anniversaries, anbirthdays. Thare are coontless cake recipes; some are breid-lik, some rich an elaborate, an mony are centuries auld. Cake makin is na langer a complicatit procedure; while at ane time considerable labor went intae cake makin (parteecularly thewhiskin o egg foams), bakin equipment an directions hae been simplified sae that even the maist amateur cuik mey bake a cake.

A Homemade Chocolate Cake

See also

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  1. Cake finishes. Retrieved on 2011-12-23.

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The dictionar defineetion ocake at Wiktionary Media relatit taeCake at Wikimedia Commons

Butter cakes
Chocolate cakes
Layer cakes
Spit cakes
Sponge cakes
Foam cakes
Yeast cakes
Special occasions
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