Cable News Network (CNN) is aU.S. cable news chainel foondit in 1980 bi Americanmedia mogulTed Turner.[1][2] Upon its launch, CNN wis the first chainel tae provide24-hourteleveesion news coverage,[3] an the first aw-news telly chainel in the Unitit States.[4] While the news chainel haes numerousaffiliates, CNN primarily broadcasts frae its heidquarters at theCNN Center inAtlanta, theTime Warner Center in New York Ceety, an studios in Washington, D.C., an Los Angeles. CNN is awned bi parent companyTime Warner, an the U.S. news chainel is a diveesion o theTurner Broadcasting Seestem.[5]
CNN is sometimes referred tae asCNN/U.S. tae distinguish the American chainel frae its internaitional coonterpairt,CNN Internaitional. As o August 2010, CNN is available in ower 100 million U.S. hoosehaulds.[6] Broadcast coverage extends tae ower 890,000 American hotel rooms,[6] an the U.S broadcast is an aa shown in Canadae. Globally, CNN programmin airs through CNN Internaitional, which can be seen bi viewers in ower 212 kintras an territories.[7] Stairtin late 2010, the domestic version CNN/U.S., is available in heich definition tae viewers in Japan unner the name CNN HD.