TheTwa,Tutsi, anHutu fowks bed in Burundi fae whan the kintra's formation five yearhunner ago. Burundi wis ruled like a kinrick bi the Tutsi fur ower twa hunner years. Housomivver, at the stairt o the 20t yearhunner,Germany anBelgium teuk ower the region, an Burundi an Rwanda turnt intae a European colony kent asRuanda-Urundi.
Poleetical unrest happent oothrou the region acause o social differences atween the Tutsi an Hutu, garrin a civil war in Burundi oothrou the mids o the 20t yearhunner. The nou, Burundi is governed as a presidential representative democratic republic. 62% o Burundians areRoman Catholic, 8-10% percent areMuslims an the lave follaeindigenous beliefs an itherChristian denominations.
Burundi is ane o the tenpoorest kintras in the warld. Burundi haes a lawgross domestic product lairgely acause o ceevil wars, corruption, puir access tae education, an the effects o HIV/AIDS. Burundi is densely populatit, wi substantialemigration.Cobalt ancopper are amang Burundi's naitural resources.